Directed by Tim Burton's "Edward Scissorhands" is a modern fairy tale about robots. It tells the story of a castle inhabited by an inventor, creating a variety of things, and finally create a robot, and named him Edward. Inventors works devoted to this all efforts, he even human rituals, Professor Edward and poetry, when a smile when the silence. However, the robot did not wait for the finalization of the inventor died, leaving the existing remnants of the human mind has a pair of Edward Scissorhands, living alone in the castle. I do not know how many years, a middle-aged woman selling cosmetics Peg strayed into the castle, found the image of the eccentric Edward. Peg has not been kind pale complexion and Edward Scissorhands claws intimidated, but pity the lonely, brought him to his home.
Peg lives in a small community in bright colors, like flirting female neighbors, spy, and tell tales. Edward, the emergence of a life of boredom they add fresh stimulus, so everyone showed him great friendship and even intimacy. When his hand, revealing the cut with scissors plants, hair design talent, the whole town was almost mad for him, he is a star, like a pet. But he also has his own pain, that is in love with Peg's daughter, the beautiful Juesu gold. Gold has already had a boyfriend, but also a new member of the family has been resistance. In order to grant a request, Edward bite the bullet and dive into his father's mansion gold boyfriend accidentally arrested by the police did not tell the truth, lest hurt the beloved. Although he soon because "there is no ability to judge right and wrong" was released, but around people regard him as the deliberate looting of property of dangerous for him and the Winnipeg family distanced themselves from him. In this process, gold gradually see the ugly face of her boyfriend, with his break, and Edward had a good impression.
Christmas Eve snow, reached the high point of contradiction, but Edwards was more they want to do good to the deeper misunderstanding, town residents are demanding the expulsion of
Finally Edward trim his memory in the castle
Edward, even Peg also think he should go back to the castle. Edward in the castle to kill the golden fight evil boyfriend, Kim accepted the Edward unrequited love. This is the original blend of love, is a blend of the last time, Edward is always hidden from the corner into the unknown, where pruning his plants, ice and snow and love ... ...
Johnny Depp in this film played out his best acting as a robot, Edward's facial muscles are rigid, almost without expression, a pair of sharp scissors hands is not conducive to the expression of feelings, but Depp passed through his eyes a lot of emotional information to the audience, set off on his pale face but even more memorable. When you see the eyes of fear when he was misunderstood expression of pain, I feel my heart slowly crushed in that eye. Actress "The Age of Innocence" in great beauty , dressed in snow white dress that is simply other-worldly air, is suitable for this modern fairy tale dream tone. Described here is not so much love Edward and gold, as it is Edward's love of gold, he gave everything for her, until finally all of the expulsion, even though she moved to respond, but after all, and he can not be miserable The castle in the hidden life. Feelings of pure gold and then again so is worldly love, and Edward's love is immortal, and therefore does not belong to our world.
Peg home is never a place to live before the snow, and only appears when Edward began flying the white snow on the land over. The ice, is it not as pure white as Edward it? He almost grotesque appearance is under the presentation of the movie truly to the United States, albeit in a sad tears (snow) for the price.