《Inception》,also known as "groundbreaking." Great director Christopher Nolan following the "Batman Begins 2: The Dark Knight" again brought us a surprise, the film will take viewers wander between dreams and reality, is defined as the "sense of place within the structure of the Contemporary science fiction action film. " Leonardo DiCaprio and Oscar from the film Houmaliang Cotillard starring. July 16 officially released in North America, 《Inception》reelection in North America box office champion for three consecutive weeks, a lot of excited fans are hard to rate the influx of IMDB, so that scores as high as 9.3, which are up to three-quarters of the vote given full marks, "Pirates of the dream space" has been rushed to the third moment IMDB rating, second only to "Shawshank Redemption" and "The Godfather."
Crossroad Gully city, steel jungle of buildings, this world, and our knowledge of the world seems to be no different. Then, the night coming, the sleeping breathing gradually sounded.
Unsuspecting, the dream has become a presence the best way of human subconscious. When Muke Bu (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a thief, a seasoned thief. And most of the "third hand" different, he does not need to scrabble other people's wallets. In this world, against what he had, there is a very strange title - Pirates of the dreamer. His specialty skills, is sneaking into others dreams, the subconscious steal valuable information and secrets. For man, how can false charges? A rare skill, and soon made him the coveted corporate espionage industry's highly paid object. However, it has also lost his wife to Moore (Marion Cotillard), exile.
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Because the pain has long been widowed and find themselves unable to Cobb mental torture, finally got the last chance of redemption. Pirates of the dreamer in the heard of the means, the rich can be the enemy of the wealthy city of Saito (Ken Watanabe) decided to secretly hire Cobb, the greatest of their future business competitors - the second generation of hundreds of millions of small Fu Robert Fisher - - start with. Unlike in the past is that Cobb needs to be done is often called "the foundation (Inception)" the impossible task. In other words, he needs to do is not easy to steal ideas, but the opposite to the implantation of Fisher's mind a thought, without leaving any traces. If successful, Fisher would be "voluntary" against the intention to make a choice, his family's business empire would never rose again. No doubt, both from a technical or from the difficulty, it must be a perfect crime.
Ambitious plan, the need for an elite combat team. Cobb's "Pirates of the dream dream team", including old partner Arthur (Joseph High Denglaiweite), the church-based Cobb Pirates of the dream father Miles (Michael Caine), pharmacists still Cerf , deformation of the pretender Oehms anywhere ... ... and recently joined the architect ,all of them are crack. When the idea of a dream can be created, false identity, building cities, and even the whole world known to break and rewrite the rules, dangers, and one after another ... ...